Matt Lederman
Published: Jun 04, 2021 | Updated: Mar 26, 2024
One of the main benefits of the RocketRez all-in-one operating system is flexibility. Over the years, we have built specialty features to help owners save time and drive revenue for attractions, zoos and aquariums. Our focus has recently come to the niche of museum software.
We believe ticketing and reservation software cannot be one size fits all, as it is only one piece of a path of dependencies in your unique business process.
Understanding how this works on the ground, and how information is passed from one department to another in your operation, is how RocketRez uses automation to reduce manual workloads. This frees your staff to provide great guest experiences.
We’ve identified five key features we’ve built specifically for Museums that reduce common workloads in this industry in ways no other software can.
Museum and gallery customers tend to visit for hours at a time, moving through exhibits and activities. Attractions like these often bring in tourists who have travelled a significant distance to spend a day on-site.
To ensure a great guest experience worthy of repeat visits and referrals, it's imperative that operators ensure the museum is not too full to enter at any given time - while still maintaining an appropriate flow of people to drive revenue.
Our timed entry modules allow you to analyze historical data and use it to set your capacity to perfection – ensuring a great guest experience and a healthy bottom line.
To ensure guests and members are engaged for multiple visits, many museums and galleries will rotate events, exhibits and speakers. Each deserve a specialized marketing campaign.
The RocketRez module allows you to “drag and drop” new rich imagery and descriptions on your website with custom prices and capacities for the new offering. We make it so simple that minimal computer programming knowledge is required.
Many attractions are member-driven organizations. This creates a complex job of member management which includes communication, renewals and additional marketing.
The RocketRez membership module simplifies and automates communication with automatic renewals. These can be charged online by credit card through template emails timed to send at your pre-set touch points.
Our membership module also allows you to track visitor engagement on a grand scale. Our reports allow you to understand your most loyal customers across the dimensions of when they visit, what they buy, what exhibits they view and who they bring with them.
Beyond the daily traffic, these attractions often drive significant revenue from private events like weddings, graduations or celebrations of all kinds. This adds to the staff workload as food, entertainment, photography and other services must be planned with third party service providers.
RocketRez reduces the manual workload by connecting all these services to one central record of requirements. Staff can set parameters and monitor progress all from one place.